The Dead Ringer Collection

Download the fantastic collection HERE! 

The Dead Ringer Collection compiles video and audio relating to the wonderful 1981 album "Dead Ringer" by Meat Loaf, with lyrics by the late Jim Steinman.

This collection features restored audio of the album, a restored version of the seldom seen Dead Ringer movie (the 1982 unreleased version by CBS), as well as restored versions of the Dortmund 1981 and Wembley 1982 videos. One of the special features is a unique compiled picture show, featuring restored versions and new compiled versions of music videos for every song on the 1981 album.

The collection features much more than just this, but to discover that, you'll need to have a look yourself :). Massive thanks to Sina Jakelíc, without him this idea would never have come to be, all editing of both audio and video as well as compiling and uploading the collection was done by him! 

It's worth noting this is the first version of the collection, and its very likely that at some point an updated version will come along, but until then I'm sure you'll manage with what we're currently providing :), so get your speakers cranked up and your brain ready, and don't you ever stop rocking!

Here are some of the original YouTube uploads of excerpts from the collection:

30 second teaser trailer!

Full 5 minute extensive trailer!

Release trailer!

Restored version of the music video for "I'll Kill You If You Don't Come Back"!

Unique compiled version of the music video for "Peel Out"!

Restored version of the infamous Dortmund 1981 show, filmed at the Rock Pop festival!