1987 Tour Shows Up & 1989 Shows Coming Up...

The full scope of (currently) available 1987 bootlegs is up. Except for Cornwall because I lost my files...
These are as follows:
1987-02-24 Newcastle City Hall
1987-03-01 Wembley Arena Radio Outtakes
1987-03-20 Philipshalle, Dusseldorf
1987-03-26 Birmingham Odeon
1987-07-19 Out In The Green Festival

Click on the links to listen as always :)
Here are the 1989 shows that are up so far...
1989-02-17 Katina's Night Club
1989-03-21 The Bayou, Georgetown

And here's what's on its way...
1989-05-07 Bergen Community College
1989-05-13 De Bonte Wever, Slagharen Audience Recording
1989-08-12 Massey Hall, Toronto
1989-09-04 The Forge, Victoria
1989-10-01 Jannus Landing, St. Petersburg Audience Video

1990-05-19 Coconut Grove, Florida Audience Video
1990-08-18 Parkstadion, Dillingen
1990-09-19 Knickerbocker Arena, Albany
1990-10-12 University of Wisconsin
1990-10-26 Finky's, Daytona Beach

After that it'll be 1988, then 1991, 1993, 1994, 1997 and then 1996 (in that order)...